Steven W. Webster


Welcome! I am an Associate Professor and the Director of Graduate Studies, Placement, and Admissions in the Department of Political Science at Indiana University. Previously, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Weidenbaum Center on the Economy, Government, and Public Policy at Washington University in St. Louis. I hold a PhD in Political Science from Emory University.


My research focuses on the nature of political behavior and public opinion within the United States. More specifically, I study the forces driving mass polarization; how voters form perceptions of political actors, such as candidates, parties, and related political entities; and how signals from party elites shape voters' beliefs and attitudes. In order to shed light on these questions I draw on theories from both political science and psychology.


Contact Me:

swwebste AT
210 Woodburn Hall
1110 E. 7th St
Bloomington, IN 47405